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Welcome to Something New. Welcome to Evail

by | Dec 3, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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15 years ago, we set out on a journey to work with local businesses which used technology to facilitate parts of operations. We began by simply helping them repair, obtain and connect their devices. Over the years, as technology has become a more integral part of businesses and its uptake grew across different sectors, industries, regions and departments so did we. Advancing with its possibilities and demands. Today, we resiliently continue to evolve. Welcome to something new. Welcome to Evail.

This evolution is ushered in by a strong-willed mission for us, the techies at heart who enjoy problem-solving, to serve you, our ambitious clients, with ingenious business continuity solutions and services that match the rapid growth of your business and its anticipated needs.

To realise this, we have invested in 3 key focus areas which guarantee an enriched client experience with Evail:

People Our team sits at the nucleus of Evail. From the friendly faces in client services who are always happy to help to the effervescent system wizards who work behind closed doors – each and everyone took part in developing our vision and the code of execution in the deployment of our services. We’ve taken the year to hone our skills and build knowledge by undertaking the latest training and engaging with the global technology community. We know the local business environment and maintain global awareness.

Product We have invested in first-class enterprise technologies as well as quality partnerships with renowned global brands. It means that once we understand the challenges our clients face we can follow through with effective solutions that meet the demands of mid-sized to corporate clientele in a timely manner. With Evail you can trust that your business advances with technology as you continue to grow.

Services We spoke to our existing clients then perspective clients to understand more about their needs and expectations. The synthesis from this research informed our service blueprint and has been integrated into daily operations to better serve our clients. Our desire is to provide our clients with unmatched uptime guarantees, simple and easy to use solutions, reliable round-the-clock support, high-security measures and fair pricing and flexible plans. Where we fall short we have measures in place to make up for it, ensuring that the matter is resolved as soon as it possibly can be.

What’s the same?

We remain committed to the best interests of our clients existing and new. Thank you for trusting us to serve you. We will continue to work on building long-lasting relationships with you and we hope that you will work closely with us as we embark in this new direction. Share your feedback, talk to us about your future plans and ask us about what’s new in the market. Evolution is an infinite process and you are an integral part of its ability to take place.

Personalised service will forever be in our brand DNA. The core team that served our existing clients prior to this rebrand will continue to collaborate with you through it. We will keep you updated on what’s new and what to expect in future. In time we hope to expand this team with more top-tier personnel at the height of their game so that a high-level of reliable service remains uninterrupted as we continue to serve more of you. Thank you to all our team members for being part and parcel to this journey.

Once again welcome to something new and something better. Welcome to Evail.